The Ultra High Speed (48Gbps) category of HDMI2.1 provides the next generation of performance and features, including 8K/120 resolution. Over the next few months, every model of Wireworld HDMI cable will become 48G capable and certified. This process began with the introduction of STELLAR, which became the first optical HDMI cable to pass UHS certification in March of this year. It is important to note that most ‘8K’ optical HDMI cables on the market today are still not certified and that copper cables have only passed 48G testing in lengths up to five meters. Therefore, the availability of superior quality 48G certified optical HDMI cables has become extremely important. Beyond the introduction of Stellar, this new requirement has led to substantial changes in the Wireworld HDMI cable structure.


Starlight 48 Optical HDMI cable (SOH) will fulfill the requirement for certified long length 48G cables priced below Stellar. With superior component quality, including a custom specified cable structure, Starlight 48 will provide high reliability along with Wireworld sound and image quality at a competitive price. It will be available in lengths of 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m and 30m.

Silver Sphere (SSP) was created with the intention of passing 48Gbps testing a full year before the HDMI 2.1 CTS (cable test specification) was published and the DPL48G test standards were created. Even though SSP performs well in 48G applications, some adjustments were required to pass certification. The original Silver Sphere will soon be replaced by Silver Sphere 48, which surpasses all UHS and DPL48G test criteria. Silver Sphere 48 will be a DPL48G certified cable. Pricing and lengths will remain the same, as will the unsurpassed sound quality.

Sphere 48 (SPH) utilizes an upgraded Uni-Path structure to achieve class-leading sound and image quality. The Uni-Path design and Composilex 3 insulation minimize noise so effectively that this OFC cable clearly outperforms higher priced competitors, even those with silver plated conductors. Sphere 48 will be a DPL48G certified cable. Pricing is slightly higher than the original and the cable will begin shipping at the end of this year in lengths 0.6m, 1m, 2m, 3m and 5m. The original Sphere cables are still available, but we are sold out of the 5m, 7m, 9m and 12m lengths.

Radius 48 (RAH) is an improved version of the original triple-shielded, Composilex 3 insulated design that is already UHS certified and available to ship in lengths of 0.6m, 1m, 2m, 3m. The 5m cables will be available at the end of October. This cable looks and sounds better than the original, while the pricing remains the same. Some longer lengths of the original Radius cables are still available.

As with our previous HDMI cables, we recommend that demonstrations focus on their sound quality advantages, because video differences tend to be much smaller. There may be some inventory shortages as we transition to the new cables, but we are working on getting these new products into the market as quickly as possible. We will issue a new price sheet including these cables a few weeks ahead of their release. (Radius 48 prices will remain the same as the original 18G version, but Sphere will have a price increase.) Radius 48 is available now.

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