If you subscribe to Sound & Vision, Stereophile or another sound quality oriented magazine, you've no doubt seen the word 'audiophile' bandied about by every writer who offers descriptions of high end speaker cables. The dictionary definition of an audiophile as someone who is extremely interested in high-fidelity sound reproduction. Values cherished by the audiophile include all phases of musical reproduction, including the initial recording and production processes. Typically, the audiophile enjoys playback in a private or residential setting with superior acoustics and exceptional audio equipment. The goal of audiophiles is to bring home the experience of a live a musical performance.

Do you think of yourself as an audiophile? Here are some questions to ask yourself: 1. Do you own a pair of headphones that are worth more than $500? This factor alone may be enough to determine whether or not one is a true audiophile. The free “ear buds” that came with your iPod do not qualify you as an audiophile, but an investment in quality audio components is a good indicator that you are. Some folks who truly appreciate superior sound reproduction don't think twice about shelling out nearly two grand for a pair of Sennheiser HD 800 S reference headphones. 2. Have you ever heard the sound change when you switched cables? Most audiophiles have found that high end speaker cables can make great improvements in sound quality. Non-audiophiles are generally not familiar with these differences. Nonetheless, the receiver, amplifier, cables, speakers and room acoustics work together to create the sound we hear. The better the components in the system, the more lifelike and dynamic the sound. Of course you’ll know this if you’re a true audiophile. 3. Do you buy vinyl or high resolution music files? Audiophiles around the globe prefer to listen to vinyl records and high-resolution music files through high end interconnect and speaker cables. Why? To many listeners, vinyl records and hi-rez music files sound better than an MP3 ever could. There is no doubt that compressed files, whether streamed over the Internet or played from a local source, are not nearly as lifelike sounding as high resolution digital or quality vinyl records. With either one of those excellent audio sources, you can hear something close what the producer or band intended. 4. Do you notice the acoustics of a room? An orchestra conductor with a highly trained ear may be able to walk into a room, clap their hands once and know whether or not the room is right for performance or recording. 5. Do your speakers hold a place of honor? Well-placed speakers can make a good recording sound even better. Conversely, poorly placed speakers and poor room acoustics can make good components sound bad. If you've spent thousands on great speakers, don't trust them to anything but the best high end speaker cables from Wireworld. It doesn't matter if you have perfect pitch. You can still learn to be a great musician. The same idea is valid regarding your home stereo system. If you love music, you don't have to be an audiophile to appreciate Wireworld’s amazing high end speaker cables.

Click here to see the complete line of Wireworld Speaker Cables.

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